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Jas's Birthday Outing

Today April 2nd and it's Jas's birthday! Luckily enough it's not on April 1st, otherwise he would ended up pranks by us XD So after the Friday class we went to Sunway Pyramid and headed to TGIs Fridays to have dinner (wooah 1st going to TGI, I'm exited!)

Gerald (who was supposed to join us) makes a 'cameo' appearance at TGI

Zaf and his 'gay friend' Alfred enjoying the dinner

senyum kambing b'day boy......

I should had made preparation for the outing - TGI is kinda expensive! >.<
all the boys smile....

and me finally joined in (along my hubby hihi)
OMG I look like a pregnant girl here! 0.0!!

and finally we went to watch Clash of the Titans. I like the film, the effects cool - but I gotta admit the film is a bit rush and lack of the 'titans' - more on focusing on the gods rather than the titans. Maybe I'm being bias, since I'm comparing this film with the original 1981 hehe


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