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of dilemma and decision

a short story about a slice of life between two people from different race and religious belief and different view of lifestle

there was a girl, who is dreaming of marrying her lover, who is, from different race and religious belief
this girl won't leave her religion and even want her lover to convert into her belief
though decision, though decision
no one knows what hold them both in the future

but lets says if this relationship works?
the boys convert into the girl's belief?
the boy had made a big sacrifice in his life. his life would not be the same. was it better? or was it worst? nobody knows

then lets say they have children. the girl wanted the child to be the race of the father. and of course. the father would love it be that way
but then, the girl soon realized the future of the child would be brighter if the child have her race instead, due to the condition of the country they live, the girl's race are the majority

the girl is unsure....she knows the boy had make big sacrifice by converting to he belief so that he can be with her......and now you asked the child to be as her race? despite the rules says follows the father? how come suddenly the race can easily swapped to the mother just because her race is the majority in their country?

the girl stood silently. soon she decided. a firm decision. the boy had made big sacrifice by letting go his beliefs for her and now she will make big sacrifice by letting go her race for him
she knows her decision will make her family angry with her. but she don't care anymore. now, he is her family. loves means sacrifice for each other

the girl sat quietly. looking at the sky. this is her decision. she wouldn't know what the boy would decide. what-ever the decision will be, she just hope their child when grown up, the child wouldn't get angry or upset with the race he had become out of their decision

the girl looked outside. she saw her land. the race land. she loves them. but still she? she loves them very much. but not her boy. her boy hates their land. the girl had seen what their land did to his race. being a minority in any land is not easy, here the boy is a minority. the girl is a majority. doesn't seems fair. not fair. not fair at all. the girl girl knew

the boy had made sacrifice with his decision. a decision that had changed his life forever. the girl 1st sacrifice is nothing compare to his. so she decided to do more. leave her land and follow to where the boy wanted. to girl also felt it would no longer the same if she lives in the land she loves but hated by her beloved boy. she also knows what-ever land the boy choose would suits her liking and she knows well how to adapt her life. she hopes so. now all the girl could wish their child is happy with the land they going to settle

the end? not so sure. life still ahead for the two of them


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