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ok, I just got new laptop, and its default Windows operation is the latest Windows 7. wow. I couldn't help but to love it, but.....

1st, I can login to y goddamn MSN, message keep poping out "You need to install new version to continue". ok. fine. just install the latest version. then done. but wtf, the installation always ended up fail. and owh, it has this: "Woud you like to visit our site to get the version manually?". and fuck. I can't even access the site/ what the fuck with MSN anyway??

2nd, my biggest fuck-up incident. I got Mozilla Firefox (owh wee, it's better than Internet Explorer). yeah rite. I'm gonna bite my tongue for it. as usual....Firefox will CRASHES when it 1st time being used. but then. here's the biggest fucked up thing: NOW IT WON'T DOWNLOAD ANYTHING FROM THE WEB!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3rd, God when this gonna end? some websites, like Facebook requires Java to makes things easier. ok. fine. again. just install it. but hey and guess what? It won't install at all. and the nicest thing is, this message will come out: "The server request time out". this kind or service you giving me? to a user??!!

4th, not excatly a big deal. flash. it took me several fucking times to install it to make them works. thanks god it'sworks now otherwise I'm surely gonna blew up....

Ok, I do hae the thought it could be my internet connection but I don't think so now coz I can browse websires very fast. I can posting stuffs easily. and I also read in the internet MANY PEOPLE BEEN COMPLAINING THE SAME STUFFS!

and plus, I went to try my another laptop (which the operating system is Windows XP) and guess whta? everything goes VERY smoothly


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