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yea true I don't celebrate Valentine's Day but that day several things happens....
1st, I return to Desaria n finally can meet and be with Bryan again....

Today also I playing 'match-making' between my Japanese-Indonesian housemate Windy with my brother's best friend's older brother Hafiz

I already told Bryan that I don't celebrate Valentine n luckily I understand and respect me

After lunch at Secret Recipe, Windy ask me to take her to a candy shop n I took her to Famous Amos
At the Famous Amos, I saw a cute teddy bear keychain. But they doesn't sell it only, it sell with a candy and a flower candy. It's one of the Valentine's Day gift...
The price quite ok actually, but I don't want to "kinda waste" it on it....
Bryan noticed that n eventually bought it for me

I got a Valentine gift after all.....

1 Hour and 5 Mins

Last night Bryam called me at 1.55am, juz to inform me hat my wishlist in Facebook Pet Society is 100% done ^_^;

Then afterwards we ended up 'talking craps' (I'm da one do da most talking) =_=""

Finally I decided to stop n tell him so. We were very awkward to say goodbye (especially me, I really dunno how to say goodbye)

After I put down my handphone, I saw te time is 3.00am!

=_="""" kecian la that gut when he needs to pay his handphone bill

Yuriko is the Name

Yesterday I MSN with Bryan at Cyber Cafe

The Fulffy teddy bear so nice
Can't help but to hug it all night long

glad to know you like it ^^


um, can u suggest a name for it

is it male or female


no suggest it

Yuriko or Hideko if female

if male

if male ar....uh dunno XP

Yuriko then, sounds cuter



Say Hello to Yuriko!

Jan 7th. Went to Low Yat n we promise to meet again at Famous Amos at noon

Morning earlier at rawang Komuter Station, bumped into an old friend, former classmate at high school Zana,n her bf Eyedan
Lol, we were planning to meet each other again n introduce our bfs on March in Sunway Pyramid. Guess I meet them 1st
It appears Eyedan recognized me 1st from afar n inform Zana (gush, i never thought my Friendser photo so popular Lol! he had seen my Friendster profile I guess)
zana so different today! She's much prettier n girly than last time I know her

Eyedan accompany Zana all the way from Subang to Rawang n now he's heading back to Subang. We travel together to KL Sentral
Eyedan feel asleep in the Komuter n I woke him up. We bid goodbye n head to our own destination

Finally I arrived at Low Yat n c Bryan again. Dean having a great time 'teasing' Bryan by making sime 'gay' moves which Bryan really cannot tolerate with

My mum let me, Bryan n dean 'wondering around' together. dean continue to 'tease' Bryan n we are having great time looking around at Action Figures shops

then we stop by at a nice teddy Bear shop. Bryan bought me a cute, fluffy teddy bear!
Dean appears to be clueless with the situation

Since this time dean come along, my mum let Bryan n I have our time together a little bit. We went to Starbucks n check our Facebook

Finally we have to go home *sniff*

But the teddy Bear so fluffy n cuddly! cannot help but to hug it all night long X3

Bryan's hp ran out of battery n he forgot his charger...I could not contact him but luckily that night he borrowed his aunt hp to contact me....After I went through a hard time to inform him about our meeting through Facebook before my laptop completely out....
We agreed to meet at Low Yat tomorrow at noon at the Famous Amos place

Today Jan 4th. We r supposed to leave our house to Low yat at 10 in the morning n supposed to arrive at low Yat by noon

However, my uncle arrived late, very late n we arrived at Low Yat at 3pm =_=""
Pity Bryan.....waiting for so long for 3 hours....

But we are happy to see each other again....we even holding hands infront of my mum

Luckily she didn't get angry or scold me afterwards, only teasing eme

save my day after all

2 days ago my laptop crashed....thanks to Dean who been playing Lineage II 'non-stop' a day before...

Then lately, I've been 'colliding' n arguing with my mum too often. I am very tired of her habit of giving excuses n always giving reasons n never admit that she is wrong n that she is always right..........

Then we decided to go to Low Yat to fix my laptop on Jan 4th. Yay, maybe Bryan n i can meet. Then my mum keep giving excuses that mayb we don't have time to or maybe we gonna go home early. mum keep making my life harder nowadays.....She still cannot accept me n Dean that we r grown up ady

Bt since I respect her a lot, I juz keep shut n swallow everything but lately i thnk it's too much ady..........

Dunno how long I can stand.....

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