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And then He Cries

After the incident I really lost all my strength n mood for the whole day. I went back home early. I dunno why but this time I keep crying. I always can stop crying when there's people's around, but this time I can't
Tina come over to talk about her great day with Daniel. However, I seems to spoil her great day by crying non-stop. Bryan came back but I told him to go out coz Tina n I are having 'Girl Talk'. What a lie. I continue crying

Tina then read my blog n become angry with Bryan 'had done' with me n planned to advise Bryan. Then Yat sms me, asking us to go Yumcha. I told Tina I dun wanna go n told Tina to just go with Bryan. I even asked her to tell Bryan that I wanna be alone for tonight for myself. I packed Bryan's laptop n Maxis n gave to Tina....I just can't go see him for now....

Half way however, I become so confused...I wanna be alone and yet, I wanna have someone with me...especially him...

I called Tina n told her that. I can hear a surrounding sound. I bet Tina let Bryan hear what I just said....Then Tina at my door n asked me to open the door. But instead going inside, she told me to go inside first. I got a feeling Bryan is at the back of the door

Then Bryan entered my room but I pretend I didn't know n thought it was Tina. Tina has left my house. Bryan hugged me n apologies. I cried. He wants me to tell me what's in my head but I refused n threaten will hit him if he force me

After awhile I slowly talk. I even told him of I had followed my heart instead of my rationale, I would have dumped him. Bryan suddenly crying...really crying...

For a moment I felt so bad. Bryan said that he don't want to lose me n he will never let go of me no matter what happened. I guess that's why he is crying; to know that he almost lose me...

Bryan slept early n breathing hard. There's must be a lot of things in his mind right now...

I just hope things will get better for both of us after this


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