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I've been quite a demanding person (I guess) and being (too) sensitive really annoys me

It's upset me that despite I know their characteristic are like that or in other word that's what they are, I still fuss over about it.....

I keep making fuss, upset (merajuk) and angry over them on small matters and felt like they often make me upset often despite I know the truth is completely opposite; they make me more happy than make me feel upset

My father for instance, he is very kind person n very loving. He always makes me happy. But sometimes he made me upset with his fussiness, his silly temper and sometimes his very dominant in wanting himself to be the right one
I already 20 years with him n by now I should have tolerate with it. My mum always angry with me for not being able to tolerate with my father's attitudes despite he shows it rarely. She's right....

And now Bryan, I often gets upset with him in small matters...Most of the stuffs are VERY silly to fuss about when come to think again.....

I hate myself sometimes.........


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