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First Kiss Ever


5th November 2008

Bryan sent me sweet sms

I want to go to campus today and I don't want to go alone....

So I woke up earlier than usual n accompany him to campus

During lunch, after some hectic, I could not get myself a lunch (I want the BBQ speggatti....). Bryan eventually offered his BBQ speggatti to me (aww) n we ended up eating together ^^

That night, I told Bryan that nowadays I am happy with my life (coz now I got Ash, Sam & Yat) but now I am happier
Bryan asked if it because of him n I said yes
he come sit next to me n ask me to close my eyes. Then he ask me to turn my head a little bit, then, he kissed me.........

Suddenly, he was so frustrated, apparently he is not satisfied with his kiss, some more it's the 1st kiss in our life

He been practicing for the kiss for 2 using his hand as a kissing lol.....


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