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"What am I to you?"

31st October 2008

Early, I had discussed with Ash many times that not to have any relationship sooner as it would be too soon n perhaps I should begin in next semester
If possible, I want him to confess first instead of me

my previous confession to two guys ended up as a great failure so I decided to let guy confess this time. After all, I don't want the good friendship I have with Bryan destroyed just like that like what happened to Robert last time

But the weight of wondering whether Bryan really likes me or he just being normal is too much already. To continue to keep wondering till next semester, which is 3 months, I think I can gone insane

That night as I doing my assignments while he playing DoTA after a whole day doing assignments, I put down my book and non-nonchalantly asked him, "What am I to you?"

Bryan suddenly become surprised. Not sure what to answer. He even cannot focus in his DoTa anymore n stated "I'm losing here" (usually he will pissed off if he losing in DoTA but this time he didn't mind at all)

Finally he stated he can't play anymore n stop. At first he was in leaning position. Then he changed to sitting position. And finally he changed to sleeping position

Bryan: very difficult to answer..............
Ili: It's ok. Don't need to answer if you can't

Suddenly Bryan asked me insted, "What am I to you?"

I was like, aku yang tanya dia, dia lak yang tanya kita sekarang but I answer him anyway. Nervously

"You're one of the few people that I can call friend. You're also one of the rare people I feel very relax and easy to talk to. You're somehow, quite special to me....."

Phew, I said it finally. Suddenly Bryan calmly said to me, "You're special to me. Very"

I was very surprised. I didn't expect this much. The room become silent. After a while I broke the silent

Ili: So are we official then?
Bryan: Yea.......

The room become silent again. This time Bryan broke the silent, in excitement

Bryan: You want others to know?
Ili: (stunned) Like this Bryan, I'm not gonna yell to the world Bryan is my bf but if people ask, I will say yes

The room become silent again. I asked d him

Ili: If I said you're my bf is that ok?
I am very honored

After awhile I told him I want to get fresh air. I went to the balcony n call Ash. Ash was surprised n stated "so soon?"




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