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"Before I lost my memories due to my sickness, I will record this as I don't want this memories lost"

18th October 2008

It was kinda spoilt that the original plan is to go to Sunway CC was canceled, I could not see Bryan's superb knifing skill in CoD4 (I was looking forward too see him knifing Jas) HeHeHe

Then that day Byran went home alone early (bummer! I wanna go home with him >.<). I ended up going home with Alfred and Gerald on Zaf's car

Originally I wanna go KL (but it was raining heavily). So I decided to go Byran's place place to play Spore and do some homeworks. I cook him "cucur udang" (his fave)
We kinda have fun, teasing each other

Finally! Finally that day I managed to ask him to join dinner with others (everyone in there EXCEPT Ash n Vin still "stucked" in KL ^^")

During the dinner, as usual, I got "bullied" by almost everyone (especially Yat Weng n now plus Bryan -_-")
However, despite everything, I'm having a great time, I can see Bryan really enjoyed with us and he also make Sam laughed a lot (Sam haven't laugh as many as tonight)

Then I found out Ash n Vin almost arrive Desaria

In attempt to have them around with us to meet Bryan, I bought everyone with a drink

After that, Bryan n I decided to make a move first. As we slowly walk, Tina suddenly turned up behind us. I said "Run" and Bryan suddenly really running!
I tried to catch up. As we both inside the lift, we both can't stop laughing

I will never forget that.....never ever....


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