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Prelude getting to Know Bryan

First Time Meet Him
It was 13th August 2008. My Game Art classmates and I we brought into a new class to meet our Game Tech classmates. There I saw Shahman, a Penang boy whom I already knew around a year, and his only classmate. I was exited to see Shahman again and the new boy surely caught my attention. I never seen him before. I know many people during foundation but I never saw him before so I assume he did his foundation somewhere else before. Then he appears to know my classmate Zhaf as well. Zhaf explain to me that they studied together at Sunway Collage

by the way, give credit to our lecturer Mr.Peter Pan Jan Lik for taking these photos

I was shy to ask his name just like that so when I want to fill my attendance I saw his name; Bryan Mitchell Jackson and he is from Sarawak. I surprise him by calling his name when he never introduce himself to me before; I just told him I saw his name in the attendance sheet

Second Time Meeting Him
We have 2nd class with the Game Tech students. This time we gonna play Cluedo! I've been playing Cluedo since 16 (and I always loose to my mum). I thought this time I got a chance to win since it appears only me knows the game

but in the end I lost to Bryan 0.0 He impressed me!!

And by the way, here is Shahman and Bryan makes funny face L0Lz!

Third Time Meet Him
We have 3rd and last class playing games with the Game Tech. This time we gonna play Puerto Rico. This time I finally can teamed with Bryan. When the game just about to start, I immediately went to Bryan and directly asked if I can joined with him. He says can. Yesh!!

Unfortunately we didn't win (I guess I must be a bad charm - since last time when I teamed with Shazs we loose and Bryan's team won), but who cares? I finally get close to him hehe

After the class, Shazs said he wanted to go Cyberjaya. I was kinda exited sine he is going to his friends' house, who are also my friends and I'm kinda missed them
I asked if I can come along snce I got nothing to do in Desaria n Shazs have no prob with it. I asked Bryan if he wants to tag along. Bryan was not sure but I managed to convinced him to come along. Plan works! XD At Cyberjaya, while Shazs busy with his friends, Bryan and I spend time watching videos that I recommend at Youtubes. I can see Shazs and his friends teasing us


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